South Side Organic Boxes

Local Brisbane supplier of certified organic fresh produce.

We source our produce only from Aussie certified organic farmers.

Being a mum to three precious gems, I want to give them the best nutrition possible. However I know how costly it can be to purchase certified organic products from established retailers.

Our aim is to supply you with affordable fresh fruit and veg from Australian Certified Organic farmers.

This is done by:
Selecting produce that is in season from certified organic Farmers.
Keeping the cost of packaging at a minimum.
We use recycled produce boxes from our local fruit and veg shop down the road keeping the admin costs low.

Large Boxes $47 (Feeds 2 adults and 2 children)

Contents vary seasonally and with availability therefore the boxes will change from week to week in variety and quantity.

I do try and keep the staples like carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, apples, bananas etc the same.

Here is how it works:
Fruit and Veggies (ordered and paid via bank transfer by Monday for Thursday delivery)

Delivery can be arranged, however, it is subject to availability. The idea is to keep the costs down so it is affordable to you. It is preferred to get the boxes picked up from Tarragindi but if you are in dire need for delivery, I can deliver for an additional cost of $10 flat rate to Brisbane inner suburbs.

Payment is accepted through Bank Deposit/transfer by Mondays on the week of the run.

Contact email:
